Hello and Welcome to our site.

Our Big News: Montana Bentonite and American Health Minerals are now For Sale!
We have developed this venture as far as we are able, and so now offer this opportunity for your consideration:

     > The resource is proven: calcium bentonite is the historical Fuller's Earth and the modern Mineral of  A Thousand Uses. We have flagship products ready to go across three major product lines.

     > The ore body is proven to hold over a million cubic yards of primary grade ore. The mine also contains volumes of marketable Sandy Ashen Silts, Nontronite and a vein of Blue Bentonite.

     > The new Permit and Bond provides for over 100,000 cubic yards of resource immediately available. We have complete business licenses and registrations in place.

     > The new production facility is ready for finishing to a new owner's specifications.

     > Our Company names and Trademarks and all equipment will sell with the property for a package deal.

So- if you are interested in a complete vertical business opportunity in the all-natural products field, here is one: from the proven resource to your customers, all under your control.

Please be invited to contact Gary Shea of Century 21 in Butte, MT at (406) 723-5455 and to view his web presentation of our offering at www calciumbentonitemine.com.

This clay is not sodium bentonite, so if you are looking for this industrial mineral, you will have to look elsewhere.

We do not make materials or products for pond lining or for other construction purposes.
Given the regulatory burdens and expenses, it is just not feasible for us to do so. I know, I know- water is the new gold, but we cannot charge what it would take to produce a good quality construction material in bulk quantities.


With our expanded mining base, we are now going to be able to manufacture our SoilAid SAS for our products lineup. We're working on measuring volumes and weights to get the products offering calculated and priced. If you have interest in volcanic ash soil amendment, please contact us for a sample.

E-mail continues to be the best way to contact me: kevinj@montanabentonite.com. If you wish to call on the phone, please be prepared to leave me a message as I am not always available. So that I can call you back, please let me know what time zone you are in and what day & time is best for you, etc., etc.

As always, we will maintain our complete satisfaction of your money back policy.
We will post our Order Forms for the products and materials that we have to offer. We do this so that both you and we will be more safe by virtue of not participating in the "card-not-present" transaction process.

<- From Raw materials


Finished Products ->

The good news is that our new building is AWESOME and we're working with the equipment to get production going again. 
We will resume ore harvesting ASAP in 2024 and continue developing our raw materials drying facility.

Montana Bentonite, LLC is a member of The Clay Minerals Society (www.cms.org). This is THE resource for scientific and valid information on clay minerals of all types. It is very important to have this professional body for information and documentation that we can have confidence in.

1- Montana Bentonite(TM) is our unique while calcium bentonite.

Montana Bentonite
PO Box 4242
Butte, MT  59702
Phone: 406-490-5004


© Copyright 2010 - Montana Bentonite